mfa jewelry design + metalsmithing.

.2021 - 2022

this year my body of work portrays an instagram model i interviewed as a "blue-collar" worker, making a living with the sweat on her brow. a work shirt and a jumpsuit with embroidered patches award her endurance and honor the struggles and situations she must deal with as part of monetizing her body. if she gets a dick pic, she receives a patch; if she must delete a 'shitty' comment, she gets one. if she has to deal with a creepy follower or an angry woman sends her a hate message, she gets another. this is still a work in progress as more patches will be added. but a change must be made; because for a long time, the image of the female body has been exclusively for men's own pleasures, not hers. a work of art could be titled "the most beautiful woman in the world," arguable a compliment, but this status implies a competition between women, judged by men, and if there is a prize, the prize, according to john berger, is "to be owned."


.mfa thesis show


.mfa - second year